This Is A New Way Of Learning

Be part of a community with ongoing support.

  • Online Video Resources

    We've created easy to digest e-workshops as well as screen tutorials of a range of tools that can be used to create, manage and track your digital marketing campaigns.

  • Checklist

    Follow our checklist at the end of each section to make sure you are on track with launching or growing your business.

  • Mentor Session

    Once you finish you course you can then book an e-mentoring session with the instructor to review your progress and have an opportunity to ask any specific questions for your business.

Meet Your Instructor

Founder/ CEO of The Co-Dubai & The Co-Dalston

Founder/ CEO, The Co-

Shahzad Bhatti

Shahzad Bhatti is the founder of The Co- and has launched many of his own startups as well as working with hundreds of small businesses through his coworking space and incubator in London and Dubai over the past 6 years. As a "self-taught" entrepreneur he believes that anyone who puts the time and effort to learn new skills can launch a business - but these skills need to be constantly updated which can only be done by learning and being part of a community that pushes you to excel.

Sign Up To Our Online Courses

Learn key skills that every small business owner and entrepreneur should know to start, manage and grow their business